Druidale German Shepherds and Spanish Water Dogs

Show dogs that work, working dogs that show


 Nyrvana Fanatic in Druidale


  DOB 22nd August 2002

Hips 4:6


Quest is an all black working line bitch. She is slightly under breed standard height and quite a lithe lass. She is always on the go and never rests. If I spot her lying down, I think she must be ill. She was given the nickname 'Velocoraptor' when she was younger as she would leap up and snap in your face (she never touched me though). She has mellowed as she has got older, but the nickname has stuck. She loves playing tug, and can get quite possessive. She doesn't suffer fools, canine or human and can be a touch dog aggressive. She loves TTouch and its the only way I've found of switching her off completely...she goes all gooey eyed and actually manages to lie down.

She gets on well with the other dogs, although she did try bullying Shadow when he first arrived


Quest and Shadow                                                                (L to R) Shadow, Saga and Quest

Quest is quite a waterbaby.


Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-Great-Grandparents
Xatoh vom Haus Stevens


Boy vom Haus-Klonne Eddy von Vorderen Schalk Django von Eichbottseen
Gessie von der Maiuiese
Biggy vom Hullen Marchen Arek vom Stoffelblick
Farah von Korthage
Ronda vom Haus Stevens Dasty vom Gries Eike von der Zitadellanburg
Cora vom Gries
Peggi vom Haus Grenn Arec von Bunsenkocher
Kimba vom Haus Grenn
Nyrvana Ghost in T'Machine


Lakatamia Noris Pasco vom Peko Haus Tino vom Korbelbach
Ilke vom Peko Haus
Stebara Deika Flipper vom Falkenland
Stebara Cora
Nyrvana Lacrosse Nyvana Yosemite Deshwar Galax
Greenveldt Eva
Nyrvana Cela Viendra Reinach Nomadic
Ardhaus Flick of Greywing




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