Druidale German Shepherds and Spanish Water Dogs

Show dogs that work, working dogs that show





Sage joined the rest of the terrorists in October 2006. She came from Ireland via Mill Rescue. She took a bit of settling as she is a tad destructive and is a bit more fiery than the other terriers. However she has now settled in and has learned to moderate her guarding.

She is another ball/toy mad terrier and another that has discovered the delights of clicker training. She's very bright and doesn't take long to pick up new behaviours, although the first training sessions were hard work as she was not very creative and was waiting to be shown what to do. Now she offers behaviours, her favourite behaviour is pushing a Staples Easy button. She's a faster dog than Spud and hopefully one day she'll also run in BFA flyball. Sage doesn't get used as as stooge dog due to her fiery nature.



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